Does hardwood make better firewood than softwood

What's the difference?

Does hardwood make better firewood than softwood
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If you are looking for the best type of firewood to use in your fireplace, wood stove, campfire or any other situation where you need to create a fire, you might be wondering whether hardwood or softwood is the better choice.

Here we will compare the differences between hardwood and softwood, and explain why hardwood is generally superior for firewood purposes

What is hardwood?

Hardwood is a category of trees that produce dense wood and have broad leaves that usually shed in the fall. Hardwood trees are also flowering plants that enclose their seeds in fruits.

Some examples of hardwood trees are oak, maple, ash, birch, walnut and mahogany. Hardwood is often used for furniture-making, flooring and other high-quality products.

What is softwood?

Softwood is a category of trees that produce less dense wood and have needle-like or scale-like leaves that usually stay green throughout the year. Softwood trees are also non-flowering plants that enclose their seeds in cones.

Some examples of softwood trees are pine, spruce, fir, cedar and larch. Softwood is often used for paper-making, construction and other low-cost products.

Why is hardwood better for firewood than softwood?

There are several reasons why hardwood makes better firewood than softwood. Here are some of them:

  • Hardwood burns longer and hotter than softwood

    Because hardwood is denser than softwood, it contains more energy per unit volume and produces more heat when burned. A cord of hardwood can produce up to twice as much heat as a cord of softwood. Hardwood also burns slower than softwood, which means it lasts longer and requires less frequent reloading.

  • Hardwood produces less smoke and sparks than softwood Because hardwood has lower moisture content than softwood, it burns cleaner and more efficiently. Softwood tends to have more sap and resin, which create more smoke and sparks when burned. Smoke and sparks can be annoying and hazardous, especially for indoor fireplaces and wood stoves. They can also affect the flavor of food cooked over a fire.

  • Hardwood creates better coals than softwood Because hardwood burns longer than softwood, it leaves behind more coals that radiate heat for a long time. Coals are useful for maintaining a steady temperature and for restarting a fire easily. Softwood burns faster than hardwood and leaves behind less coals or none at all.

How to choose the best hardwood for firewood?

Not all hardwoods are equally good for firewood. Some factors to consider when choosing the best hardwood for firewood are:

  • Seasoning time Hardwoods take longer to dry out than softwoods, usually between one to two years. Seasoning is important to reduce the moisture content of the wood and make it easier to light and burn. You should only use well-seasoned hardwood for firewood, otherwise you will waste energy and create more smoke.

  • Heating value Different hardwoods have different heating values, which measure how much heat they produce per unit weight when burned. The higher the heating value, the better the firewood. Some of the best hardwoods for firewood in terms of heating value are oak, hickory, beech and maple.

  • Availability and cost Depending on where you live, some hardwoods may be more available and cheaper than others. You should look for local sources of hardwood that are sustainable and affordable. You can also mix different types of hardwood to get the best results.


In conclusion, hardwood makes better firewood than softwood because it burns longer, hotter, cleaner and produces better coals than softwood.

However, not all hardwoods are equally good for firewood, so you should consider factors such as seasoning time, heating value, availability and cost when choosing the best hardwood for your fire needs